firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

He advanced with an unflinching determination.

synonyms: resolution, resolve, willpower, strength of character, single-mindedness, purposefulness, intentions

Determination is one of the driving forces that can encourage you to keep moving forward toward your agency growth goals despite every obstacle in your way. It isn’t the only thing you’ll need, but you will find that a great deal of determination will help you succeed in whatever you want to do. Determination means doing whatever it takes to keep forging ahead.

Our Goals

Think of the goal you set out to, to begin your agency all those years ago. Anything that is worthwhile takes time AND chances are, it required a great deal of determination. Any goal that you deem “worthwhile” was probably outside of your comfort zone, and required you to push forward.
To accomplish your goal, you needed to find something that you never did before.

You needed to ask yourself questions you never asked before.

You needed to find answers you never found before.

What you lacked in knowledge, you made up in discipline to succeed.

Determination helped you stick to the goal at hand. You focused on one step at a time even when the task seemed overwhelming.

A Mixture

Determination is a drive and an encouragement from within. It gives you the strength to look towards the goal at the finish even when you might be at the start. It drives you from where you are to where you choose to be. Despite the odds, when you feel it is important enough, your determination gives you the hunger to accomplish it. Through purpose, passion, knowledge, incentives, belief, faith, clarity on end results, and of course discovering your “why” you can achieve whatever it is you set out to do.

Paul J. Meyer says: “Construct your determination with Sustained Effort, Controlled Attention, and Concentrated Energy. Opportunities never come to those who wait… they are captured by those who dare to attack.”

Hard work, a Little Luck

Determination is illustrated well in the movie Pursuit of Happyness. Chris Gardner is determined to succeed at the brokerage firm where he is interning. There is a part in the movie where he realizes he can save eight minutes a day by not hanging up the phone between calls. Eight minutes is a big deal in the long run: think about how that adds up over time! Chris realized sales is a numbers game and he wanted to make it through his call sheet faster than everyone else. He was determined to finish at a certain time so he could pick up his child in time to wait in line at the homeless shelter to get a safe, warm place to stay overnight. After dinner, he would play with his son, then put him to bed and study for his brokerage exam and go to bed and get ready to do it all over again.

Chris showed firm determination to get himself and his son to a better place. He didn’t take the easy way, instead he forced himself to be better and do better.

You can write your own story about this for what it took to grow your agency to where it is today.

Strong Determination

Get determined by defining why you are doing what you are doing. Where do you need to focus?

  • Do you and or your team need to get better at follow up?
  • Do you need to get a sales process documented so you can grow?
  • Do you need to align your sales team for scale


When you give meaning to the goal at hand, it suddenly changes from being a goal at hand to a purpose that will fill you with determination. Remember that determination also helps determine your character. Those who others perceive as being determined are often given the first choices for many different opportunities.

Opportunity happens where determination, consistency and focus meet.

Determination to grow easier

If you are determined to grow your agency, it doesn’t have to be hard. Download the 5 Must Knows for Growing Your Agency Easier and learn how to save time on sales, close bigger and bigger deals, prioritize your day and identify gaps in your sales process.