Get Motivated

Get Motivated

Get Motivated

Read time: 45 seconds 

If you are struggling to get motivated in business, this one tip is so simple…you won’t believe how effective it is.

I have seen it flip a switch for many different multi-million dollar business owners.  

It’s so simple, you can do it after you get done reading this email…

The best part: 

  • it doesn’t cost you a thing. 
  • it doesn’t take any extra time. 
  • it can be done in the time it takes you to read this email.

How do I get motivated?

If you found that your work days at home are a little too comfortable and you are unmotivated right now, take a moment and look at the “uniform” you are wearing. Are you inspired when you think about the “uniform” you are wearing to win business?  

Is it casual or does it mean business?

If it’s casual think about the last time you were motivated. 

What ‘uniform”were you wearing? How different was it from what uniform you are wearing now?

Clients have changed their clothes to the “uniform” they wore the last time they were super motivated and viola… they got motivated to take on their business like they used to.

Change your “uniform”…change your motivation.

If you are motivated remember this simple “uniform” tip so you don’t fall into the trap of getting too comfortable in your attire when you work.

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