So much of time is elusive and without taking a tangible look at it, you are unclear of where “it [time] goes.”

When you are in sales, it is critical to identify where you are spending your time.
After you identify, you can organize and prioritize your sales day.

Years ago, I did an exercise where I tracked my time as I was building my business to see where I was spending my time and found I was spending THE LEAST amount of time in it. I was doing everything else. This ONE exercise will open your eyes to give you a habit on how you may be cultivating other habits that you shouldn’t be doing.

To help support you in cultivating good habits, click on this google sheet and you can start tracking your time.

Time Tracker Sheet – Place to capture time blocks in 15 minute increments.

Warning: This time tracker might not be pretty for you. DON’T JUDGE yourself. You are running an agency and there are many

Inefficiency can cause you to lose some serious time. Fortunately, cultivating good habits can help you to avoid inefficiency.

When you identify where you are spending your time, I would invite you to see how much time you are investing in follow up. This is one of the biggest habit I see sales people overlook. Follow up is the key to sales.
You’ll notice there are multiple tabs at the bottom.

  1. Two daily trackers. There is a drop down menu that you can choose from which best category you were working on during each 15 minute time block. I invite you to do this 2 times in one week, not back to back days.
  2. Example tracker. This tab is next to the 2 trackers so you can see the categories and if you want to add notes in the “C” column to orient what specifically you were working on to help you.
  3. Time Optimization Strategy. Includes notes to help you identify where you can invest your time for the growing business stage your companies are in.

By understanding where you are spending your time, you’ll have a better idea of where you would like to invest your time.

Tip to cultivating habits: Once you identify an area of your business you would like to invest more time, select a goal that you are committed to achieving. If you need to invest more time selling, and you have spent 1 hour a week on it, don’t set a habit of 15 hours a week because you know you need to. That’s the equivalent of not going to the gym and lifting any weights and then expecting you are going to lift the heaviest weights in the gym. Instead, I invite you to “stretch yourself, don’t stress yourself.” Choose 3 hours a week and ACHIEVE that for weeks and after you build the muscle, you can add more hours.

Put Good Habits in Place

After you track your time and identify how much strategy time you would like to spend on your agency, take the next step and Download the 5 Must Knows for Growing Your Agency Easier and learn how to save time on sales, close bigger and bigger deals, prioritize your day and identify gaps in your sales process.