Coaching Continuity Sessions – 8

Continuity program designed for carrying session momentum. Eight (8) Individual Coaching Sessions included. Each (1) hour coaching session, includes accountability, mind mapping refinement from previous sessions and strategy to build on the success and momentum. Continue to maximize productivity and fulfillment.


Product description

Eight (8) Individual Coaching Sessions includes strategies, resources and questions to guide you towards your goals.

  • Vision: Identify your ideal vision. Align your habits and goals.
  • Organization: Capture your thoughts & beliefs in your map so you can see the road ahead.
  • Exercises: Strategies to implement to break old patterns.
  • Accountability: Focus your efforts on tasks and projects to move your company forward.

Before each coaching session.

  • Session-Prep form: Completed, by you, the evening before your session to maximize time to offer clarity of focus for you and me.
  • Coach comments: Morning of your session, coach reviews to comment and asks questions preparing you for the days session.

During each (1) one-hour coaching session.

  • Identify your challenges: Walk away with clarity to take the appropriate steps.
  • Create habits: Align your habits to stay focused on your efforts.
  • Exercises: Discover exercises & resources to help you find the answer within.
  • SMART Goals: Review your Friday Report and identify next steps to advance towards your goals.

Session dates will be tracked after complete satisfaction after coaching session. 100% Money Back Guarantee.