AREas of improvement for Biz Dev


Imagine a sales team implementing your best biz dev practices through a customized reproducible process.

Win new business easier:

Maximize sales team consistency

Implement your CRM and sales automations:

What we’ll do WITH YOU utilizing our Proven ReConnect Framework:

INTAKE: Gain Insight

Questions capture your existing best practices. Interviews from existing customers and employees capture your agency’s delivery methodology.

MAP: Gain Perspective

See your sales process from a “30,000 foot view” and zoom down to a “street view.” You will be able to see and align your sales goals & strategies to your sales & marketing communications for ideal prospects through your sales funnel.


See your sales funnel clearly.

Customized Biz Dev Roadmap – External: Apply your best practices with a proven documented messaging methodology. Each component of your sales funnel has visual steps to drive consistent results.

Customized Biz Dev Operations Manual – Internal (20+ sales sections):
Apply a proven documented methodology applied for your agency’s sales process to create consistent results.

TRACKING PROCESS: Gain Sales Confidence

Track deals with confidence.

Friday Productivity Report: Simplified metrics refine the priorities sales projects and momentum.

Call Logs: Simplified spreadsheet tracking to refine where efforts are applied and accomplish the LAGGING results.


Selling is set to scale.

CRM streamlining: Messy client/prospect data, and confusing sales/marketing communication is organized to follow up consistently.

Build your sales team: Your sales team has a documented Sales Roadmap utilizing

Areas of improvement for sales reps AE Success System Image

Our Account Executive Success System is designed to create a customized sales process for your agency. Refined over almost 2 decades in the advertising industry.

The best way to start is through a
Sales Evaluation Call.

Any details referenced on this website highlight a few of our exceptional clients. Please understand results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have been in advertising sales for almost 15 years, and was 1 of 100 global Tony Robbins for almost 5 years. Additionally, I represent the Mark Jamnik Art brand. Over the years, I worked with many agency owners and sales reps and have identified many key strategies to focus as a result. Many owners struggle to get results and I’m using the references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors; including but not limited to your background, experience, accountability and work ethic. All business entails risk and consistent effort, strategy and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with me.