Passionate Sales Lead to Increased Revenue

Passionate Sales Lead to Increased Revenue

You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out. Steve Jobs Outstanding professionals and teams are passionate about their careers, products, services,...
Mind Mapping Experience

Mind Mapping Experience

Mark Jamnik offers a Mind Mapping Strategy session to help turn ideas in your head into a visual map so you have clarity to more forward. Heather, a client, wrote the article below that explained the process and how it helped her align her business from the inside so...
Organize Your Work Day

Organize Your Work Day

Are you overwhelmed with being “busy?”In 2011 when I began my new company, I was a few months along when I realized that I was working all the time; I didn’t even know what day it was half the time because I was working 7 days a week for months straight. Even though I...
Agency Sales Process

Agency Sales Process

first steps to an agency sales process Read time: 45 seconds With limited time, what information do you have that can add value “on the ready” that can help you more easily follow up with prospects?Take time to strategize and build a strategy using your...
Get Motivated

Get Motivated

Get Motivated Read time: 45 seconds  If you are struggling to get motivated in business, this one tip is so simple…you won’t believe how effective it is. I have seen it flip a switch for many different multi-million dollar business owners.   It’s so...
Passionate Sales Lead to Increased Revenue

Send Thank Yous

SEND THANK YOUS When you send thank yous in the mail, you quite literally and figuratively cuts through the clutter of their inbox. Think about how you feel when you get one. What do you do when you get a handwritten card in the mail? Is it one of the first pieces you...
Identifying Your Differentiator

Identifying Your Differentiator

What is your agency differentiator? Simply, your differentiator is what makes you stand out from a crowd or differentiates you from all other agencies fighting for the same thing – whether that’s a new C-Suite team member, a new ideal client, or a new board...
How to Cultivate Good Habits

How to Cultivate Good Habits

So much of time is elusive and without taking a tangible look at it, you are unclear of where “it [time] goes.” When you are in sales, it is critical to identify where you are spending your time. After you identify, you can organize and prioritize your sales day....
How to Create Sales Momentum in Your Business

How to Create Sales Momentum in Your Business

Once you have your goals set and you have your targets in line, the next step is to think and act in alignment with them. This means that you want to have a path you can follow to get from one step to the next smoothly and with as little trouble as possible. Once...
Sales Process Journaling is a Great Habit

Sales Process Journaling is a Great Habit

Journaling is a great way to record your thoughts, ideas, struggles, and triumphs. Creating a sales process journal allows you to focus your efforts into improving the gaps that may be missing.Sales process journaling provides an opportunity to see what is and isn’t...